AMBIGUOUS_CELL - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
The colour to be used to indicate the presence of ambiguous characters, that may be Latin-1 or UTF-8.
AccountConfiguration - class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration.
A AccountConfiguration instance contains the information needed to connect to a database and retrieve a set of tables.
absoluteTimeDifferenceLessThan(Date, Date, long, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.DateComparator
Returns true if the difference between the specified "compare to" date and the source date that the instance was initialied with is less than the specified number of units of the specified units of time (which are specified in milliseconds).
addAccountListChangeListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSelectionPanel
Adds a listener to the account dropdown that will be notified whenever the user selects a new account.
addTab(String, Component, String, boolean) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.WartsToolsFrame
Adds a tab to the current window with the specified text, component, and tool tip.
addTableListChangeListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSelectionPanel
Adds a listener to the table list that will be notified whenever the user selects a new table.
averageColors(Color, Color) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.GuiUtils
Returns a color halfway in between the two specified colors, created by averaging the red, green, and blue components of the inputs.


BYTE_CLASS_ASCII - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The byte was classified as an ASCII byte (0-127).
BYTE_CLASS_FIRST_AMBIGUOUS - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The byte was classified as the first byte of an ambiguous set of bytes (one that might be a single multi-byte UTF-8 character, or several Latin-1 characters).
BYTE_CLASS_ILLEGAL - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The byte was classified as illegal, which can happen when a combination of bytes can not be transformed into a collection of valid characters.
BYTE_CLASS_LATIN_1 - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The byte was classified as a Latin-1 character (128-255).
BYTE_CLASS_NOT_FIRST_AMBIGUOUS - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The byte was classified as one byte (but not the first) of an ambiguous set of bytes (one that might be a single multi-byte UTF-8 character, or several Latin-1 characters).
BYTE_CLASS_THREE_BYTE_UTF_8 - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The byte was classified as part of a 3 byte UTF-8 character.
BYTE_CLASS_TWO_BYTE_UTF_8 - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The byte was classified as part of a 2 byte UTF-8 character.
BinaryDataHandler - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.BinaryDataHandler.
The BinaryDataHandler class handles binary data, which is stored in columns of type RAW and VARBINARY.
BinaryDataHandler(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.BinaryDataHandler
Constructs a new instance on behalf of subclasses that will handle data values for the specified column in the specified table.
BinaryDataHolder - class org.afcs.warts.db.BinaryDataHolder.
The BinaryDataHolder class is reponsible for holding binary column data (which it stores internally as an array of bytes), and implementing methods like BinaryDataHolder.equals(java.lang.Object), BinaryDataHolder.compareTo(java.lang.Object), and BinaryDataHolder.hashCode(), so that instances can be processed easily.
BinaryDataHolder(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.BinaryDataHolder
Constructs a new instance to contain the specified binary data, which must not be null.
bindNonNullValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.BinaryDataHandler
This method binds the specified non-null value (which should be a BinaryDataHolder instance) to the specified index in the specified statement.
bindNonNullValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.CharacterHandler
Given a prepared statement and a column index, this method binds the specified value to the specified column in the specified prepared statement, using a binding appropriate to character data.
bindNonNullValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler
The implementation of this method in concrete subclasses should bind the specified non-null value to the specified index in the specified statement.
bindNonNullValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DecimalHandler
This method binds the specified non-null value (which should be a java.math.BigDecimal instance) to the specified index in the specified statement.
bindNonNullValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.IntegerHandler
This method binds the specified non-null value (which should be a java.lang.Long instance) to the specified index in the specified statement.
bindNonNullValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.NullHandler
This method always binds a null of the appropriate type to the specified variable in the specified statement, regardless of the value received.
bindNonNullValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleBlobHandler
This method binds the specified non-null value (which should be a java.sql.Timestamp instance) to the specified index in the specified statement.
bindNonNullValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleClobHandler
This method binds an empty CLOB locator to the specified index in the specified statement.
bindNonNullValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.TimestampHandler
This method binds the specified non-null value (which should be a java.sql.Timestamp instance) to the specified index in the specified statement.
bindPrimaryKeyValues(PreparedStatement, List, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
This method loops through the specified list of primary key values, using the column descriptions maintained internally to bind them to variables in the specified prepared statement, starting at the specified offset.
bindValue(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
This method is responsible for binding the specified value to the specified index in the specified statement.
breakUpContiguousNonWhitespace(String, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
This method ensures that there are at most maxContiguousNonWhitespaceChars continuous non-whitespace characters in the specified string, returning a string with extra whitespace if need be to ensure that the string will break nicely across multiple lines in a browser.


CellDifference - class org.afcs.warts.db.CellDifference.
A CellDifference instance is created and stored in the array maintained in a DataComparison instance whenever a difference between cell values in the first and second dataset is detected.
CellDifference(Object, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.CellDifference
Constructs a new instance with the specified information.
CellDifferenceReport - class org.afcs.warts.report.CellDifferenceReport.
The CellDifferenceReport class is responsible for generating reports based on the information contained in a CellDifference instance.
CharacterConversionPanel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.CharacterConversionPanel.
The CharacterConversionPanel class provides a panel containing several forms allowing users to enter characters in a variety of forms (as raw, Latin-1, UTF-8, or UCS-2 bytes) and converts them to the other forms.
CharacterConversionPanel(WartsToolsFrame) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.CharacterConversionPanel
Constructs a new character conversion tool panel and adds it to the specified frame.
CharacterHandler - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.CharacterHandler.
The CharacterHandler class handles the loading, printing, and binding of database columns containing character data (i.e., columns of type CHAR and VARCHAR).
CharacterHandler(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.CharacterHandler
Constructs a new instance on behalf of subclasses that will handle data values for the specified column in the specified table.
ColumnDescription - class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription.
The ColumnDescription class stores information about a specific column in a database table.
ColumnDescription(String, int, String, int, int, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Initialises a new instance with the specified information.
checkArrayIndex(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.ValidationUtils
Checks that the specified index can be used to reference objects in an array of the specified length, throwing an IllegalArgumentException with the specified name if not.
checkIndexInRange(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.ValidationUtils
Checks that the specified index is within the specified range, throwing an IllegalArgumentException with the specified name if not.
closeConnection(Connection) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.DatabaseUtils
Calls close() on the Connection object received, if non-null.
closeResultSet(ResultSet) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.DatabaseUtils
Ensures that the ResultSet object received is closed, if non-null.
closeStatement(Statement) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.DatabaseUtils
Ensures that the Statement object received is closed, if non-null.
colorToHex(Color) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.GuiUtils
Returns the hexidecimal representation of the specified color (e.g., ff0000), which is suitable for use in HTML.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.KeyComparator
Compares to non-null java.util.List instances, returning am integer that can be used to sort them into ascending order based on their own Comparable properties, or if they don't implement Comparable, their string values.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.BinaryDataHolder
Compares the specified object to the current instance, returning a number that could be used to sort a list of BinaryDataHolder instances into ascending order, or 0 if the specified object is not a BinaryDataHolder instance.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Compares this instance to another object, returning an integer that can be used to sort an array of DataHighBitAnalysis instances based on a case-insensitive comparison of the string returned by DataHighBitAnalysis.getString().
containsHtmlSpecialCharacters(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
Returns true if the string received might contain HTML special characters that might cause problems in element content, i.e., ampersands or less-than signs.
containsNonAsciiBytes(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Returns true if the specified column contains any non-ascii bytes.
createAnalysisHtml(DataHighBitAnalysis) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
Returns HTML containing the contents of the short report with any HTML special characters escaped, as well as a byte-by-byte analysis of the data contained in the analysis.


DATA_CLASS_ASCII - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The string consists of nothing but ascii characters.
DATA_CLASS_ASCII_AND_2_BYTE_UTF_8 - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The string consists of a mix of ascii and 2 byte UTF-8 characters.
DATA_CLASS_ASCII_AND_3_BYTE_UTF_8 - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The string consists of a mix of ascii and 3 byte UTF-8 characters.
DATA_CLASS_ASCII_AND_LATIN_1 - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The string consists of a mix of ascii and Latin-1 characters.
DATA_CLASS_CONTAINS_AMBIGUOUS - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The string consists of a mix of ascii and "ambiguous" characters.
DATA_CLASS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The string contains illegal bytes.
DATA_CLASS_CONTAINS_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
The string consists of a mix of ascii and multiple classes of non-ascii characters.
DATE_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.util.DateComparator
This comparator can be used to compare dates.
DAY - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.util.DateComparator
The number of milliseconds in a day.
DOWN - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.gui.SortColumnHeaderRenderer
Used to indicate that sorting is down, and to create an arrow pointing down.
DataComparison - class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison.
A DataComparison instance analyses and stores the differences between two datasets.
DataComparison(DataSet, DataSet) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Initialises a comparison of the two data sets.
DataComparison(DataSet, DataSet, boolean) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Initialises a comparison of the two data sets.
DataComparison(DataSet, DataSet, boolean[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Initialises a comparison of the two data sets, optionally excluding comparison of certain columns, and optionally ignoring encoding differences.
DataComparisonPanel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.DataComparisonPanel.
The DataComparisonPanel class is used to display the results from the comparison of the data in two tables, which is performed by and stored in an instance of the DataComparison class.
DataComparisonPanel(DataComparison, WartsToolsFrame) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.DataComparisonPanel
Creates a new instance with the specified comparison information, which is added as a tab to the specified frame.
DataComparisonReport - class org.afcs.warts.report.DataComparisonReport.
The DataComparisonReport class contains methods that generate plain text reports about DataComparison instances.
DataHandler - interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler.
The DataHandler interface defines a set of methods that must be implemented by a class that is to be responsible for reading and writing a specific type of data from the database.
DataHandlerFactory - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerFactory.
The DataHandlerFactory class is the factory that is responsible for converting the SQL type and name returned by loading the table metadata into an DataHandler implementation that is appropriate for that type.
DataHandlerSupport - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport.
The DataHandlerSupport class is the base class for all data handling classes, providing several useful utility methods for subclasses.
DataHandlerSupport(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
Constructs a new instance on behalf of subclasses that will handle data values for the specified column.
DataHighBitAnalysis - class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis.
The DataHighBitAnalysis class performs "high-bit" analysis on an array of bytes, classifying each byte as ascii, latin-1, utf-8 or ambiguous, and classifying the string as a whole.
DataHighBitAnalysis(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Constructs a new instance with the specified data, and the size of the column that the data is in.
DataHighBitAnalysisReport - class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport.
The DataHighBitAnalysisReport class creates text and HTML reports on the high-bit analysis of a single piece of data.
DataSet - class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet.
The DataSet class is responsible for loading and presenting the data associated with some database table.
DataSetLoader - class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSetLoader.
The DataSetLoader class allows the loading of the data used to create a DataSet instance to be trivially invoked in a new thread using classes from the concurrent programming library.
DataSetLoader(TableDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSetLoader
Initialise a new instance to load data from the specified table.
DataSetLoader(TableDescription, int) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSetLoader
Initialise a new instance to load up to the specified maximum number of rows from the specified table.
DataSynchronizationAction - class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationAction.
The DataSynchronizationAction class is used to synchronize the contents of one dataset with another based on the analysis performed by a DataComparison instance.
DataSynchronizationAction(DataComparison) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationAction
Initialises a new instance that will synchronize datasets based on the specified data comparison.
DataSynchronizationScript - class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationScript.
The DataSynchronizationScript class is used to generate a preview of the SQL that will be executed by the DataSynchronizationAction class when two datasets are synchronized based on the analysis performed by a DataComparison instance.
DataSynchronizationScript(DataComparison) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationScript
Initialises a new instance that will generate synchronization scripts based on the specified data comparison.
DataViewPanel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.DataViewPanel.
The DataViewPanel allows users to view the data from a specified table in a scrollable table format.
DataViewPanel(TableDescription, int) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.DataViewPanel
Initialises a new instance to load up to the specified maximum number of rows of data from the specified table.
DatabaseUtils - class org.afcs.warts.util.DatabaseUtils.
The DatabaseUtils class provides numerous utility methods that simplify database use.
DateComparator - class org.afcs.warts.util.DateComparator.
The DateComparator class provides various utilities related to the comparison of dates.
DecimalHandler - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DecimalHandler.
The DecimalHandler class handles decimal data.
DecimalHandler(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DecimalHandler
Constructs a new instance on behalf of subclasses that will handle data values for the specified column in the specified table.
dataHandlersOK() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns true if valid data handlers exist for the primary key columns in this table.
debuggingOff() - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.WartsLogger
Turns off debugging, so that nothing will be printed by future calls to WartsLogger.fine(String).
debuggingOn() - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.WartsLogger
Turns on debugging, so that future calls to WartsLogger.fine(String) will cause the message to be printed.
defaultCursor() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.WartsToolsFrame
Changes the cursor for the current frame to the system's default cursor.
describeFirstEquivalenceIssue(ColumnDescription) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns a text description of the first reason that can be found for this column not being equivalent to the specified column.
describeFirstEquivalenceIssue(TableDescription) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns a text description of the first reason that can be found for this table not being equivalent to the specified table.


encodeAsHex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.StringUtils
This method takes in an array of bytes and returns a string containing the hexadecimal representation of those bytes.
encodingDifference() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.CellDifference
Returns true if this difference represents a difference in the encoding between two otherwise identical strings.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns true if the specified object is a AccountConfiguration instance with the same database, username and table specs as this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.BinaryDataHolder
Returns true if the specified object is a BinaryDataHolder instance that contains exactly the same binary data as this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns true if the specified object is a ColumnDescription instance that has an identical configuration to this one, where all fields other than column size are considered.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns true if the specified object is a DataHighBitAnalysis instance with the same value (what is returned by DataHighBitAnalysis.getString()) as the current instance.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns true if the current table description describes the same table reached via the same account configuration as the specified object.
escapeHtmlAttributeSpecialCharacters(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
Returns a copy of the input string where all HTML special characters that might cause problems in element attributes (such as ampersands, less-than signs, apostrophes and quotes) have been escaped with the appropriate HTML entities.
escapeHtmlSpecialCharacter(char) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
Returns the array of characters that represents the HTML escaped version of the specified character.
escapeHtmlSpecialCharacters(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
Returns a copy of the input string where all HTML special characters that might cause problems in element content (such as ampersands and less-than signs) have been escaped with the appropriate HTML entities.
escapeHtmlSpecialCharacters(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
Returns a copy of the input string where all HTML special characters that might cause problems in element content or attributes have been escaped with the appropriate HTML entities.
escapeTextForSqlQuery(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.DatabaseUtils
This method should be used to pre-process character data that is to be used in straight SQL statements.


findEquivalentDescription(List, AccountConfiguration) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
This method looks through all of the tables reachable through the account configurations in the specified list, returning the first table that is equivalent to the current table (but isn't in the current account), or null if no equivalent table can be found.
findHighBits(DataSet) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Constructs a new instance containing the summataion of all any non-ascii character analysis objects contained in the specified data set.
fine(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.WartsLogger
Logs a fine (debug) message, if debugging is on.
flush() - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.WartsLogger
Flushes the current logging buffer(s).
foundDifferences() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns true if differences were found between the datasets provided at initialisation.
foundNonAsciiBytes() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Returns true if non-ascii character analysis found any non-ascii bytes in the table.


GuiUtils - class org.afcs.warts.util.GuiUtils.
The GuiUtils class defines utility methods used by GUI classes.
generateColorKeyLabelHtml(Color[], String[]) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.GuiUtils
Given two arrays of colors and labels, respectively, this method generates some HTML that can be placed on a label to generate a color-key.
generateDeleteScript(int[]) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationScript
Returns a SQL delete script that will delete any rows found in dataset two that weren't in dataset one when the data comparison was performed and that have indices in the specified array.
generateInsertScript(int[]) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationScript
Returns a SQL insert script that will insert any rows not found in dataset two that were found in dataset one when the data comparison was performed and that have indices in the specified array.
generateUpdateScript(int[]) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationScript
Returns a SQL delete script that will update any rows found in both dataset one and two but with differing non-primary key column values when the data comparison was performed and that have indices in the specified array.
getAccountConfiguration() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the account configuration used to load this table.
getActiveTableDescription() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSelectionPanel
Returns the table description that the user has currently selected, or null if no selection has been made or no data is available.
getAllColumnValues(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns a list containing the values of both the primary key columns and non primary columns for the specified row.
getBaseModelColumnIndex(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap
Returns the column index in the base table model that corresponds to the specified column index in the filtered table model.
getBaseModelRowIndex(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap
Returns the row index in the base table model that corresponds to the specified row index in the filtered table model.
getByteAnalysisProperty(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Returns the specified property of the byte-wise analysis of the specified column.
getClassifications() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns the array of classifications for each byte.
getColor(int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
This method returns the appropriate color for the specified byte class, which should be one of the BYTE_CLASS_* constants from DataHighBitAnalysis.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
Returns the class of the specified column from the base model.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap
Returns the class of object in the specified column, which is mapped to the appropriate column in the unfiltered base model.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TabularDataTableModel
Returns the class of object in the specified column, which is obtained by looking for the first non-null object in the column and returning its class.
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableDescriptionModel
Returns the number of columns in the model (which is always 6).
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
Returns the number of columns in the base model.
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap
Returns the number of columns in the filtered table model.
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TabularDataTableModel
Returns the number of columns in the base dataset.
getColumnDescription(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the column description for the specified column.
getColumnDescription() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
Returns the column description for this instance, which was set at initialisation.
getColumnDescriptions() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns an unmodifiable list containing all of the columns in this table, with primary key columns first.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableDescriptionModel
Returns the name of the specified column in the model.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
Returns the name of the specified column from the base model.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap
Returns the name of the specified column, which is mapped to the appropriate column in the unfiltered base model.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TabularDataTableModel
Returns the name of the specified column.
getConnection() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns a database connection to the database account configured in this instance.
getData() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.BinaryDataHolder
Returns the binary data cached in ths instance.
getData() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns the original byte array that was analysed.
getData() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns an unmodifiable mapping between the primary key values and non-primary key values available in the current dataset.
getDataClass() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns a classification for the byte array as a whole.
getDataHandler(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerFactory
Given a column description (which provides the SQL type and name generated from loading table metadata), this method constructs and returns a DataHandler implementation that can read and write data for the specified column.
getDataSet() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSetLoader
Returns the dataset that was loaded when DataSetLoader.run() was called.
getDatabaseUri() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns the database URI that is used to obtain a connection to the database.
getDateDifferenceText(Date, Date) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.DateComparator
Returns text describing the difference between the two dates.
getDbOneValue() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.CellDifference
Returns the value of the cell in the first dataset.
getDbTwoValue() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.CellDifference
Returns the value of the cell in the second dataset.
getDecimalDigits() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns the number of digits allowed on the right of the decimal point in a numeric column.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns the default value for the column, if one exists.
getDescriptionReportData(TableDescription) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.TableDescriptionReport
Produces the list of lists containing the values that make up the table description report.
getDestTableDescription() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the table description for the second dataset, which also provides access to account information.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns a display name for the account, which is of the format 'username/instancename@machineName'.
getInstanceName() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns the name of the instance that we're connecting to, which is given by the last part of the URI (the text after the last colon).
getModel() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
Returns the base model specified at initialisation.
getName() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns the name of the column.
getName() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the name of the table.
getNonPrimaryColumns() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns an unmodifiable list containing the primary key columns in this table.
getNonPrimaryKeyColumnValues(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns an unmodifiable list containing the non-primary key column values for the specified row.
getNormalisedData() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns a normalised array of the data in the current dataset with the rows sorted in key order.
getNullType() - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler
Returns the constant from java.sql.Types that should be used to bind null values in prepared-statements.
getNullType() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
The default type to use when binding null values in prepared statements is the type defined in the column metadata, and this implementation always returns that.
getNullType() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DecimalHandler
Oracle returns the constant java.sql.Types.OTHER for FLOAT columns, and bizarrely, this can not be used when binding null values in prepared statements.
getNullType() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleBlobHandler
Oracle returns the constant java.sql.Types.OTHER for BLOB columns, and bizarrely, this can not be used when binding null values in prepared statements.
getNullType() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleClobHandler
Oracle returns the constant java.sql.Types.OTHER for CLOB columns, and bizarrely, this can not be used when binding null values in prepared statements.
getNum2ByteUtf8Chars() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns the number of 2 byte UTF-8 characters found during analysis.
getNum3ByteUtf8Chars() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns the number of 3 byte UTF-8 characters found during analysis.
getNumAmbiguousBytes() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns the number of ambiguous bytes found during analysis.
getNumIllegalBytes() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns the number of illegal bytes found during analysis.
getNumLatin1Chars() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns the number of Latin-1 characters found during analysis.
getNumNonPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the number of non-primary key columns.
getNumPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the number of primary key columns.
getNumRows() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the total number of rows in the comparison, which is defined by the union of the primary keys from the first and second datasets.
getNumRows() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns the number of rows that were loaded.
getNumRows() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Returns the number of rows in hte dataset analysed by this instance.
getNumRows() - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.db.TabularData
Returns the number of rows in the dataset.
getNumRowsDeleted() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the number of rows that were in dataset one and not in dataset two, based on the presence of primary keys.
getNumRowsInserted() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the number of rows that were in dataset two and not in dataset one, based on the presence of primary keys.
getNumRowsToLoad() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.RowsToLoadComboBox
Returns the number of rows currently selected to load.
getNumRowsUnchanged() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the number of rows that were in both datasets (based on the presence of identical primary keys) with unchanged non-primary key column values (considering only the columns that were compared).
getNumRowsUpdated() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the number of rows that were in both datasets (based on the presence of identical primary keys) with changed non-primary key column values (considering only the columns that were compared), where these changes might be just encoding differences.
getNumValuesInColumnUpdated(int, boolean) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the number of values in the columnIndex'th non-primary key column that differed between the source and destination data sets.
getOriginalRowIndex(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter
Given the index of a row in the sorted model, this method returns the index of the same row in the unsorted model that was passed to this instance at initialisation.
getOwner() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the owner of the table.
getParentFrame(Component) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.WartsToolsFrame
Returns the WartsToolFrame instance that is the parent of the specified component, if it exists.
getPrimaryKeyColumnValues(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns an unmodifiable list containing the primary key column values for the specified row.
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns an unmodifiable list containing the non-primary key columns in this table.
getQualifiedName() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the qualified name of the table, which is in the form 'owner.name'.
getQualifiedNameSql() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the qualified name of the table for use in SQL statements, which is in the form '"owner"."name"'.
getQualifiedNameWithAccount() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the qualified name of the table with information about the account from which the table was referenced (which includes the machine name).
getRowAnalysisProperty(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Returns the specified property of the row-wise analysis of the specified column.
getRowClassification(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the row classification (which will be equal to one of the ROW constants defined in this class) for the specified row.
getRowCount() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableDescriptionModel
Returns the number of rows in the table, which is equal to the number of columns in the database table.
getRowCount() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
Returns the number of rows in the base model.
getRowCount() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap
Returns the number of rows in the filtered table model.
getRowCount() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TabularDataTableModel
Returns the number of rows in the base dataset.
getShortReport(DataHighBitAnalysis) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
Generates a short report about the results of the analysis performed.
getSize() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns the total width of the data that can be stored in this column for numeric and character data types (excluding CLOBs).
getSortColumn() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter
Returns the index of the last column sorted on, or -1 if the model received at initialisation has no columns.
getSortedKeys() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns an unmodifiable list containing the primary key lists for this dataset sorted in primary key order.
getSourceTableDescription() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the table description for the first dataset, which also provides access to account information.
getSqlType() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns the constant from java.sql.Types that was specified as the column type at initialisation.
getSqlTypeName() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns the data type name specified at initialisation, which is obtained from the column metadata.
getString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns a string representation of the byte data using the preferred encoding.
getStringAsLatin1() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns a string representation of the byte data where the encoding is assumed to be Latin-1.
getStringAsUtf16() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns a string representation of the byte data where the encoding is assumed to be UTF-16, also known as UCS-2.
getStringAsUtf8() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns a string representation of the byte data where the encoding is assumed to be UTF-8.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.SortColumnHeaderRenderer
Returns the current instance configured to render the column header that is configured by the parameters.
getTableDescription(String) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns the table description for the specified table name (which should be one of the names returned by AccountConfiguration.getTableNames(), or null if the description can not be loaded.
getTableDescription() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the table description for the first dataset, which also provides access to account information.
getTableDescription() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns the table that this data was loaded for.
getTableDescription() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Returns the description of the table from which the dataset analysed by this instance was loaded.
getTableDescription() - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.db.TabularData
Returns the description of the table from which the dataset came.
getTableDescription() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
Returns the table description for this instance, which was set at initialisation.
getTableDescriptions() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns a list of all of the table descriptions configured in this account.
getTableNames() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
This method converts the table names that were specified in the account configuration file into a list of tablenames in an 'owner.tablename' format.
getUsername() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns the username used to log into this account.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns the object stored during the comparison of the data at the specified row and column indices.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns the value at the specified row and column from the dataset analysed by this instance, where the row is an index into the sorted keys.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Returns the value at the specified row and column from the dataset analysed by this instance.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.db.TabularData
Returns the value at the specified row and column in the dataset.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableDescriptionModel
Returns the data at in the table model at the specified row and column indices.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
Returns the value in the base model at the specified row and column.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap
Returns the value at the specified row and column, which are mapped to the appropriate unfiltered row and column indices in the base model.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter
This method returns the object at the specified row and column in the sorted table model.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TabularDataTableModel
Returns the value at the specified row and column in the base dataset.
getWhereClause() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns the where clause appropriate for use in a prepared statement that will be selecting or updating a value given primary key values that identify the row.


HOUR - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.util.DateComparator
The number of milliseconds in an hour.
HighBitAnalysisPanel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.HighBitAnalysisPanel.
A HighBitAnalysisPanel presents an interactive interface to a TableHighBitAnalysis instance.
HighBitAnalysisPanel(TableHighBitAnalysis, WartsToolsFrame) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.HighBitAnalysisPanel
Creates a new instance with the specified non-ascii character analysis, and adds it as a tab to the specified frame.
HtmlUtils - class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils.
The HtmlUtils class contains utility methods for manipulating strings with HTML formatting that might be useful to servlets and JSPs.
handleSQLException(SQLException) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.DatabaseUtils
This method can be used by any database access classes to handle SQL exceptions in a consistent manner.
hasFakePrimaryColumns() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns true if the primary key columns in this table are not actually primary key columns.
hashCode() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns a hashcode for this instance that obeys the general contract.
hashCode() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.BinaryDataHolder
Returns a reasonable hashcode derived from the binary data contained within the current instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns a hashcode based on the configuration of this instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns a hashcode for the current instance based on the current string value (as returned by DataHighBitAnalysis.getString()).
hashCode() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns a hashcode for this instance that obeys the general contract.
hyperlinkEmailAddress(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
This method converts the specified email address into a hyperlink that contains the email address as the visible text, and uses the 'mailto:' protocol to open a mail application if a user clicks on the link.


ILLEGAL_CELL - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
The colour to be used to indicate the presence of illegal bytes.
IntegerHandler - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.IntegerHandler.
The IntegerHandler class handles integer data, which is stored in columns of type NUMBER, but is reported by Oracle to have a type of java.sql.Types.DECIMAL.
IntegerHandler(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.IntegerHandler
Constructs a new instance on behalf of subclasses that will handle data values for the specified column in the specified table.
include(int) - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap.RowColumnChecker
Returns true if the row or column with the specified index should be included in the model that the TableModelRowColumnMap will present.
info(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.WartsLogger
Logs a fine (debug) message, if debugging is on.
initializeDataHandler(TableDescription) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
This is used during the initialization phase of an TableDescription instance to initialize a data handler for each column.
insertHtmlLineBreaks(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
Returns a copy of the input string where all linebreaks have been replaced with the corresponding HTML linebreak tag (<br>).
insertNonBreakingSpaces(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
Returns a copy of the input string where all spaces (&#32) have been replaced with non-breaking spaces (&#160).
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
Returns true if the cell in the specified row and column in the base model is editable.
isCharacterData() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns true if the current column contains character data, and should therefore be loaded when performing non-ascii character scanning on a table.
isCharacterData() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.CharacterHandler
Always returns true.
isCharacterData() - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler
Returns true if the current column contains character data, and should therefore be loaded when performing non-ascii character scanning on a table.
isCharacterData() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
Always returns false.
isCharacterData() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleClobHandler
Always returns true.
isColumnAnalysed(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Returns true if the specified column contains character data and is thus analysed.
isDebuggingOn() - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.WartsLogger
Returns true if debugging is currently on.
isEquivalentTo(TableDescription) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns true if the specified table is equivalent to this one.
isNullHandler() - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler
Returns true if the implementation is the "Null handler", which is used when the DataHandlerFactory cannot construct an appropriate handler for a specific column type.
isNullHandler() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
All handlers other than the NullHandler will return false, so we return false here so other subclasses don't have to worry about it.
isNullHandler() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.NullHandler
This is the "null handler", so we return true.
isNullable() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns true if the column allows nulls.
isSortAscending() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter
Returns true if the current sort column was last sorted in ascending direction.
isUtf8Encoded() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns true if the account configuration specified that this account was in a UTF-8 encoded database.


KEY_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.KeyComparator
The singleton instance that should be used to perform primary key comparisons.
KeyComparator - class org.afcs.warts.db.KeyComparator.
The KeyComparator class provides a singleton instance that can be used to compare lists of objects based on their own intrinsic Comparable properties, or their string values if all else fails.


LATIN_1_CELL - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
The colour to be used to indicate the presence of Latin-1 characters.
LobDataHandlerSupport - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.LobDataHandlerSupport.
The LobDataHandlerSupport implements the LobDataHandlerSupport.postProcessBind(java.sql.Connection, java.util.List, java.lang.Object) method on behalf of subclasses, factoring out common code and requiring the subclasses to implement a new abstract method LobDataHandlerSupport.writeLobValue(java.sql.ResultSet, java.lang.Object).
LobDataHandlerSupport(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.LobDataHandlerSupport
Constructs a new instance on behalf of subclasses that will handle data values for the specified column.
leftPad(String, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.StringUtils
Returns the specified text, padded on the left with whitespace (0#x20) characters to make it the specified length.
leftPad(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.StringUtils
Returns the specified text, padded on the left with the specified padding character to make it the specified length.
listenTo(JTable) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter
This method adds the current instance as a mouse listener to the header of the specified table.
loadBytesFromStream(InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
This utility method can be used by subclasses to allocate a byte array of the specified length and read that number of bytes into the array from the specified stream, converting any IO errors that occur into SQL errors.
loadCharacterData(TableDescription) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns a DataSet instance containing just the character data column values from the specified table.
loadCharacterData(TableDescription, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns a DataSet instance containing up to maxRowsToLoad of character data from the specified table, where the rows that will be returned are the first rows found when sorting in ascending order by the primary key columns.
loadData(TableDescription) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns a DataSet instance containing all of the data from the specified table.
loadData(TableDescription, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns a DataSet instance containing up to maxRowsToLoad of data from the specified table, where the rows that will be returned are the first rows found when sorting in ascending order by the primary key columns.
loadFromProperties(Properties) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
This method initialises and returns a list of AccountConfiguration instances which are created by processing the specified properties, which have been presumably been loaded from a account configuration file.
loadPropertiesFromFile(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.PropertyFileLoader
Loads and returns a set of properties loaded from a file.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
This method is responsible for constructing and returning an object from the specified column of the specified result set, delegating the operation to a datatype specific handler.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.BinaryDataHandler
Returns a BinaryDataHolder instance with the integer value of the specified column from the specified result set, if non-null.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.CharacterHandler
This method loads the character data associated with the specified column in the specified result set, returning a DataHighBitAnalysis instance containing analysis of the character data, if some exists, or null otherwise.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler
This method is responsible for constructing and returning an object from the specified column of the specified result set.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DecimalHandler
Returns a java.math.BigDecimal instance with the decimal value of the specified column from the specified result set, if non-null.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.IntegerHandler
Returns a java.lang.Long instance with the integer value of the specified column from the specified result set, if non-null.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.NullHandler
This method will always return null, without even attempting to load any data from the specified column of the specified result set.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleBlobHandler
Returns a BinaryDataHolder instance with the bytes loaded from the specified column from the specified result set, if non-null.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleClobHandler
Returns a DataHighBitAnalysis instance with the text loaded from the specified column from the specified result set, if non-null.
loadValue(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.TimestampHandler
Returns a java.sql.Timestamp instance with the value of the specified column from the specified result set, if non-null.
logWrongValueTypeWarning(String, String, String) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
This method should be called by subclasses that wish to log a warning about receiving the wrong class of value in some method (presumably bindNonNullValue() or printNonNullValue()).
longReport(TableHighBitAnalysis) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.TableHighBitAnalysisReport
Returns a long report on the specified non-ascii character analysis of a table.


MINUTE - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.util.DateComparator
The number of milliseconds in a minute.
MIXED_CELL - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
The colour to be used to indicate the presence of more than one character type within a field.
Main - class org.afcs.warts.cl.Main.
This class is used to launch the command line version of the WARTS application.
Main(String[]) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.cl.Main
Instantiates a new instance of this class, which will process the specified set of strings as though they were command line arguments, performing any operations requested, before returning control.
Main - class org.afcs.warts.gui.Main.
This class is used to launch the GUI version of the WARTS application.
Main(String[]) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.Main
Instantiates a new instance of this class, which will process the specified set of strings as though they were command line arguments, performing any operations requested, before returning control.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.cl.Main
Entry point for the command line version of WARTS.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.Main
Entry point for the GUI version of WARTS.
multiThreadedLoading() - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
This changes the loading mechanism to use the multi-threaded loading system.


NonAsciiCharReportPanel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.NonAsciiCharReportPanel.
The NonAsciiCharReportPanel class allows uses to select one or more accounts from a list specified at initialisation to perform non-ascii character analysis on.
NonAsciiCharReportPanel(List) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.NonAsciiCharReportPanel
Initialises a new instance with the specified list of accounts.
NullHandler - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.NullHandler.
The NullHandler class can be used to handle datatypes that don't have a registered handler yet.
NullHandler(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.NullHandler
Constructs a new instance on behalf of subclasses that will handle data values for the specified column in the specified table.


OVERSIZE_CELL - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
The colour to be used to indicate the presence of oversize character data within a column.
OracleBlobHandler - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleBlobHandler.
The OracleBlobHandler class extends LobDataHandlerSupport and handles the reading and writing of BLOB data.
OracleBlobHandler(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleBlobHandler
Contructs a new instance for the specified table and column.
OracleClobHandler - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleClobHandler.
The OracleClobHandler class extends LobDataHandlerSupport and handles the reading and writing of CLOB data.
OracleClobHandler(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleClobHandler
Contructs a new instance for the specified table and column.
org.afcs.warts.cl - package org.afcs.warts.cl
org.afcs.warts.db - package org.afcs.warts.db
org.afcs.warts.gui - package org.afcs.warts.gui
org.afcs.warts.handlers - package org.afcs.warts.handlers
org.afcs.warts.report - package org.afcs.warts.report
org.afcs.warts.util - package org.afcs.warts.util


PROP_2_BYTE_UTF_8_CHAR - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Used to obtain a count of 2 byte UTF-8 characters or rows containing 2 byte UTF-8 characters in a specific column.
PROP_3_BYTE_UTF_8_CHAR - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Used to obtain a count of 3 byte UTF-8 characters or rows containing 3 byte UTF-8 characters in a specific column.
PROP_AMBIGUOUS_BYTE - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Used to obtain a count of ambiguous bytes or rows containing ambiguous bytes in a specific column.
PROP_ILLEGAL_BYTE - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Used to obtain a count of illegal bytes or rows containing illegal bytes in a specific column.
PROP_LATIN_1_CHAR - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Used to obtain a count of Latin-1 characters or rows containing Latin-1 characters in a specific column.
PROP_OVERSIZED - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Used to obtain a count the oversized rows in a specific column.
PropertyFileLoader - class org.afcs.warts.util.PropertyFileLoader.
The PropertyFileLoader utility class contains a method to assist both command line and GUI applications load a set of properties from a file.
performDeletes(int[]) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationAction
Deletes any rows found in dataset two from the referenced destination table that weren't in dataset one when the data comparison was performed and that have indices in the specified array.
performInserts(int[]) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationAction
Inserts any rows found in dataset one that weren't in dataset two when the data comparison was performed and that have indices in the specified array into the destination table.
performSync(int[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationAction
This method attempts to synchronize the data in all of the specified rows that require the operations permitted by the specified boolean flags.
performUpdates(int[]) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationAction
Updates any rows found in both dataset one and two but with differing non-primary key column values when the data comparison was performed and that have indices in the specified array.
postProcessBind(Connection, List, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
This method is called when ColumnDescription.requiresBindPostProcessing() returns true to finish writing data to the database for which simple binding isn't sufficient.
postProcessBind(Connection, List, Object) - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler
This method is called when DataHandler.requiresBindPostProcessing() returns true to finish writing data to the database for which simple binding isn't sufficient.
postProcessBind(Connection, List, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
This method does absolutely nothing, and needs to be overridden by subclasses that actually do require bind post-processing when writing data to the database.
postProcessBind(Connection, List, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.LobDataHandlerSupport
This method does absolutely nothing, and needs to be overridden by subclasses that actually do require bind post-processing when writing data to the database.
prepareTextForHtmlDisplay(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
Returns an HTML-formatted representation of the string received, where all special characters have been escaped, and all carriage returns have been converted to HTML line breaks.
prettyPrint(List) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.util.TablePrinter
Returns a string containing the specified dataset, which must be a list of java.util.List instances, in a plain text table, formatted according to the parameters specified at initialization.
prettyPrint(String[][]) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.util.TablePrinter
Returns a string containing the specified dataset, formatted according to the parameters specified at initialization.
printNonNullValue(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.BinaryDataHandler
Returns a string that could be used in a SQL script to set the data contained in the value received, which should be a BinaryDataHolder instance.
printNonNullValue(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.CharacterHandler
Returns a string containing a representation of the specified value appropriate for use in a SQL script.
printNonNullValue(Object) - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler
This method should return a representation of the specified value that is appropriate for inclusion in a SQL script.
printNonNullValue(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DecimalHandler
Returns the result of value.toString(), which means avoiding having to cast the object to a java.math.BigDecimal.
printNonNullValue(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.IntegerHandler
Returns the result of value.toString(), which means avoiding having to cast the object to a java.lang.Long.
printNonNullValue(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.NullHandler
This method returns the string "[unknown]", indicating that there is no good data handler for the specified value.
printNonNullValue(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleBlobHandler
Returns a representation of the specified value (which should be a BinaryDataHolder instance) that is appropriate for inclusion in a SQL script.
printNonNullValue(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleClobHandler
Returns a representation of the specified value (which should be a DataHighBitAnalysis instance) that is appropriate for inclusion in a SQL script.
printNonNullValue(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.TimestampHandler
Returns a representation of the specified value (which should be a java.sql.Timestamp instance) that is appropriate for inclusion in a SQL script.
printValue(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
This method returns a string containing a representation of the specified value appropriate for use in a SQL script.


ROW_DELETION - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
This may be returned from DataComparison.getRowClassification(int) to indicate that the specified row requires deletion (i.e., was in the second dataset but not in the first).
ROW_INSERTION - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
This may be returned from DataComparison.getRowClassification(int) to indicate that the specified row requires insertion (i.e., was in the first dataset but not in the second).
ROW_UNCHANGED - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
This may be returned from DataComparison.getRowClassification(int) to indicate that all columns in the specified row have identical values in both datasets.
ROW_UPDATED - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
This may be returned from DataComparison.getRowClassification(int) to indicate that the specified row was in both datasets but does not have identical values in all non-primary key columns (although some differences may just be encoding differnces).
ReportPanel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.ReportPanel.
The ReportPanel class is a Swing object that displays a report to the user.
ReportPanel(String, JPanel) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.ReportPanel
Constructs a panel displaying the specified report.
ReportPanel(String, JPanel, WartsToolsFrame, String, String) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.ReportPanel
Constructs a panel displaying the specified report, and then adds it as a new tab to the specified frame, with the specified tab text and tooltip.
RowsToLoadComboBox - class org.afcs.warts.gui.RowsToLoadComboBox.
The RowsToLoadComboBox class is a combo box containing a standard set of options allowing the user to specify how many rows they wish to load when performing some operation.
RowsToLoadComboBox() - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.RowsToLoadComboBox
Constructs a new instance, ready to be added to a GUI.
removeTab(Component) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.WartsToolsFrame
Removes the tab associated with the specified component from the window.
report(CellDifference) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.CellDifferenceReport
Returns a report on the specified difference in HTML.
report(DataComparison) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataComparisonReport
Returns a string containing a plain text report based on analysis of the specified dataset comparison.
report(AccountConfiguration) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.TableDescriptionReport
Iterates through all of the tables accessible via the specified account configuration, compiling the description report for each table into a larger report, which is returned.
report(TableDescription) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.TableDescriptionReport
Returns a description of the specified database table.
requiresBindPostProcessing() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns true if writing of the data contained in this column requires additional post-processing of the bind step.
requiresBindPostProcessing() - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler
Returns true if writing of the data handled by this handler requires additional post-processing of the bind step.
requiresBindPostProcessing() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
This method always returns false, and needs to be overridden by subclasses that actually do require bind post-processing when writing data to the database.
requiresBindPostProcessing() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.LobDataHandlerSupport
This method always returns true, as LOB data handlers always need to do bind post-processing to write non-null data into the database.
requiresStreamedLoading() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns true if the loading of this data requires streaming outside the standard result set, which is true for LOB data.
requiresStreamedLoading() - Method in interface org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandler
Returns true if the loading of this data requires streaming outside the standard result set, which is true for LOB data.
requiresStreamedLoading() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
This method always returns true, and needs to be overridden by subclasses that represent data types that actually do require streamed loading.
requiresStreamedLoading() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.LobDataHandlerSupport
This method always returns true, as LOB data is always streamed.
rightPad(String, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.StringUtils
Returns the specified text, padded on the right with whitespace (0#x20) characters to make it the specified length.
rightPad(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.StringUtils
Returns the specified text, padded on the right with the specified padding character to make it the specified length.
rowHasEncodingDifferences(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns true if the specified row contains differences between the two datasets that are just encoding differences.
rowSynchronized(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
This method is called by DataSynchronizationAction after synchronization has been performed on the specified row of the and it marks the row as unchanged, replacing any CellDifference instances in the row with the new value.
run() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSetLoader
Loads the dataset for the table specified at initialisation.


SECOND - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.util.DateComparator
The number of milliseconds in a second.
SchemaExplorerPanel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.SchemaExplorerPanel.
A SchemaExplorerPanel lets the user select a single table from all of the table available via a list of accounts specified at initalisation, and displays a report on the table's structure for the selected table.
SchemaExplorerPanel(List, WartsToolsFrame) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.SchemaExplorerPanel
Creates a new instance with the specified list of account configurations, and adds it as a tab to the specified frame.
SortColumnHeaderRenderer - class org.afcs.warts.gui.SortColumnHeaderRenderer.
The SortColumnHeaderRenderer class can be used to render column headers in JTables where the columns are sortable.
SortColumnHeaderRenderer() - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.SortColumnHeaderRenderer
Constructs a new instance that will not render a sort arrow on any column until SortColumnHeaderRenderer.setActive(int, int) is called.
StringUtils - class org.afcs.warts.util.StringUtils.
The StringUtils class provides various utility methods for string processing.
setActive(int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.SortColumnHeaderRenderer
Sets the current active column and sort direction.
setActiveTableDescription(TableDescription) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSelectionPanel
This method will search through all the tables available in the account configuration looking for one that matches (by account and name) the specified table description, and will make it the active (i.e., selected) table by updating the account dropdown and table list appropriately.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
Sets the value at the specified row and column in the base model to the specified new value.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter
This method sets the object at the specified row and column in the sorted table model.
severe(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.WartsLogger
Logs a info message.
shortReport(AccountConfiguration) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.TableHighBitAnalysisReport
Iterates through all of the tables accessible via the specified account configuration, analysing each of them for non-ascii characters, and compiling the short reports on the analysis of each table into a larger report, which is returned.
shortReport(TableHighBitAnalysis) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.report.TableHighBitAnalysisReport
Returns a short report on the specified non-ascii character analysis of a table.
sort(int, boolean) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter
This method can be used to trigger a sort on the specified column in the specified direction.
stripTagsAndTrim(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.HtmlUtils
Given a string that may contain XML or HTML tags, which are bounded by a less-than and greater-than sign, this method removes the tags from the input string, and trims any whitespace from the end of the string.


THREE_BYTE_UTF_8_CELL - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
The colour to be used to indicate the presence of 3 byte UTF-8 characters.
TWO_BYTE_UTF_8_CELL - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.report.DataHighBitAnalysisReport
The colour to be used to indicate the presence of 2 byte UTF-8 characters.
TableDescription - class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription.
A TableDescription class contains information about a particular database table, including the source account, the descriptions of each column, and the number of primary key columns.
TableDescription(AccountConfiguration, String, String, List, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Initialises a new table description with the specified information.
TableDescriptionModel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableDescriptionModel.
The TableDescriptionModel class wraps a TableDescription instance in an implementation of javax.swing.table.TableModel allowing GUIs to include a Swing version of the database table report generated by TableDescriptionReport .
TableDescriptionModel(TableDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableDescriptionModel
Creates a new instance with the specified database table description providing the data for the Swing table.
TableDescriptionReport - class org.afcs.warts.report.TableDescriptionReport.
The TableDescriptionReport class generates plain text description reports of database tables.
TableHighBitAnalysis - class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis.
The TableHighBitAnalysis class is responsible for compiling a report on the non-ascii characters (or "high bits") in an entire table's worth of data.
TableHighBitAnalysisReport - class org.afcs.warts.report.TableHighBitAnalysisReport.
The TableHighBitAnalysisReport class generates reports on the results of running non-ascii character analysis on a table.
TableMap - class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap.
The TableMap class is an identity transformation for TableModels, and can be used as the basis for classes that wish to perform more complex transformations or mappings on TableModels.
TableMap(TableModel) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
Constructs a new map with the specified base model, which will provide all information in methods that are not overridden by subclasses.
TableModelRowColumnMap - class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap.
The TableModelRowColumnMap class can be used to filter any class implementing Swing's TableModel interface using row and column checkers (defined using a public interface) to filter the rows and columns.
TableModelRowColumnMap(TableModel, TableModelRowColumnMap.RowColumnChecker, TableModelRowColumnMap.RowColumnChecker) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap
Constructs a new map with the specified base model and the specified filters for both rows and columns.
TableModelRowColumnMap.RowColumnChecker - interface org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap.RowColumnChecker.
This interface must be implemented by any class that will be used to determine whether a row or column should be included in the model that a TableModelRowColumnMap is used to wrap.
TablePrinter - class org.afcs.warts.util.TablePrinter.
The TablePrinter class prints a 2-D array of strings in a plain-text table with each column aligned to the left or right.
TablePrinter(String[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.util.TablePrinter
Initialises a new instance with the specified column names and widths.
TablePrinter(String[], int[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.util.TablePrinter
Initialises a new instance with the specified column names, widths, and alignments.
TableSelectionPanel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSelectionPanel.
The TableSelectionPanel allows the user to select a single table from any of the tables accessible via a list of accounts specified at initialisation.
TableSelectionPanel(List) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSelectionPanel
Initialises a new instance with the specified list of account configurations.
TableSorter - class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter.
The TableSorter class adds sorting functionality to a TableModel instance, and can be integrated with a JTable to update the sort order whenever the user clicks on a column in the table header.
TableSorter(TableModel) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter
Constructs a new instance with the underlying model providing the unsorted data.
TabularData - interface org.afcs.warts.db.TabularData.
The TabularData interface is implemented by classes that contain some tabular data and a table description that describes the table from which the data came.
TabularDataTableModel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.TabularDataTableModel.
The TabularDataTableModel implements the javax.swing.table.TableModel interface for any classes implementing the TabularData interface.
TabularDataTableModel(TabularData) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.TabularDataTableModel
Constructs a new table model around the specified tabular data.
TimestampHandler - class org.afcs.warts.handlers.TimestampHandler.
The TimestampHandler class handles the reading and writing of date (or timestamp) data.
TimestampHandler(TableDescription, ColumnDescription) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.handlers.TimestampHandler
Constructs a new instance on behalf of subclasses that will handle data values for the specified column in the specified table.
TwoTableSelectionPanel - class org.afcs.warts.gui.TwoTableSelectionPanel.
The TwoTableSelectionPanel class contains controls that allow the user to specify two tables and then run a data comparison on them, opening the results in a DataComparisonPanel panel.
TwoTableSelectionPanel(List, WartsToolsFrame) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.TwoTableSelectionPanel
Creates a new instance with the specified list of account configurations, and adds it as a tab to the specified frame.
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableMap
When the table is changed, this method makes sure that all listeners get the event.
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableSorter
This will be called by the underlying table model whenever the contents of the table are changed.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.AccountConfiguration
Returns a string suitable for use in debugging.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.BinaryDataHolder
Returns the first 10 values (or less) of the binary data encoded as hex.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.CellDifference
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.ColumnDescription
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSynchronizationAction
Returns a textual representation of the current instance useful for debugging.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableDescription
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.TableHighBitAnalysis
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TableModelRowColumnMap
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.TabularDataTableModel
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.util.TablePrinter
Returns a text description of the current instance that can be used for debugging purposes.
truncateToMaxLength(String, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.StringUtils
If the string received is longer than the maximum length specified, then it is truncated, and a '...' replaces the last three characters to indicate that truncation occurred.
truncateUtf8String(String, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.StringUtils
Returns the specified string truncated to the specified maximum length in bytes (when encoded in UTF-8 format), with an ellipses (...) if need be.


UP - Static variable in class org.afcs.warts.gui.SortColumnHeaderRenderer
Used to indicate that sorting is up, and to create an arrow pointing up.
usingMultiThreadedLoading() - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataSet
Returns true if we're using multi-threaded loading.
utf8Oversize() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataHighBitAnalysis
Returns true if the UTF-8 representation of this string would overflow the column its in (presumably the string is encoded using Latin-1 now).


ValidationUtils - class org.afcs.warts.util.ValidationUtils.
The ValidationUtils class contains various utility methods for validating values.
verifyObjectIsString(Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.DataHandlerSupport
This utility can be used by subclasses that deal with character data (such as CharacterHandler and OracleClobHandler to verify that anobject is a potential character data class and to truncate its string valueto the column's size before attempting to print or bind its value.


WartsLogger - class org.afcs.warts.util.WartsLogger.
The WartsLogger class provides logging facilities for WARTS application.
WartsToolsFrame - class org.afcs.warts.gui.WartsToolsFrame.
The WartsToolsFrame class is the standard window that all WARTS tools run in.
WartsToolsFrame(List) - Constructor for class org.afcs.warts.gui.WartsToolsFrame
Initialises a new frame with the specified list of account configurations.
waitCursor() - Method in class org.afcs.warts.gui.WartsToolsFrame
Changes the cursor for the current frame to the system's default wait cursor.
warning(String) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.WartsLogger
Logs a warning message.
wasColumnCompared(int) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.db.DataComparison
Returns true if the values in the columnIndex'th non-primary key column of the source and destination data sets were compared during analysis.
wrapAt(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.afcs.warts.util.StringUtils
This method returns a formatted version of the input string with newlines (\n) inserted every wrapAt characters.
writeLobValue(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.LobDataHandlerSupport
This method is responsible for writing the specified LOB value (which differs in type depending on whether it is a CLOB or a BLOB) to the first column in the specified result set, which should contain a newly initialized LOB locator.
writeLobValue(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleBlobHandler
This method is responsible for writing the specified LOB value (which should be a BinaryDataHolder) to the first column in the specified result set, which should contain a newly initialized BLOB locator.
writeLobValue(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class org.afcs.warts.handlers.OracleClobHandler
This method is responsible for writing the specified LOB value (which is a string) to the first column in the specified result set, which should contain a newly initialized CLOB locator.